【刑事】北檢扣土地後 不排除再扣押民眾黨政治獻金專戶
2024-10-06 10:44:18 UTC
京華城土地,是否停工,明天7號,北市府 將會向法院 發函訊問,北檢下一步,不排除將再聲請,扣押民眾黨的政治獻金專戶,因為,威京集團有7名員工,都承認,假捐款,真行賄,這對於貪污罪來講,就是最直接的證據。
READ MOREFlexible attorney skills and quality documentations support clients to achieve desired results in a cost-effective manner. We relate to their circumstances and fight for their best interests. Our professional team, with on average six years of hands-on experiences, offer legal services at all time.
We stand with entrepreneurs and offer professional advices and effective strategies that do not backfire. We support clients in legal battlefields amid market competitions. Our team includes attorneys and accountants fluent in Chinese, English and Japanese, with their knowledge in corporate and financial laws, to brainstorm and suggest solutions under time pressure for utmost interests within legal boundaries.
Besides paperwork, we have a lot of experiences on intellectual property applications, our seasoned attorneys also evaluate potential issues in disputes and utilize international connections to secure interests for clients.
2024-10-06 10:44:18 UTC
京華城土地,是否停工,明天7號,北市府 將會向法院 發函訊問,北檢下一步,不排除將再聲請,扣押民眾黨的政治獻金專戶,因為,威京集團有7名員工,都承認,假捐款,真行賄,這對於貪污罪來講,就是最直接的證據。
READ MORE2024-10-06 10:29:08 UTC
READ MORE2024-10-06 10:06:36 UTC
死刑釋憲後,實質廢死的氛圍下,出現第一例"逆轉逃死",2014年高雄性侵虐殺退休女老師的凶手劉志明,改判無期徒刑定讞,家屬痛訴 被糟蹋了十年,還有2021年留美女碩士聯合男友殺害父親,也確定不判死刑,判處無期徒刑。專家感嘆,大法官的"免死金牌"已經奏效,未來恐怕服滿25年就能假釋,回到社會,前檢察官提議應該修法,將無期徒刑分級,最重不得假釋。
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京華城案,扣押獲准,律師分析,這恐怕是檢方的辦案策略,因為,京華城和新光銀行,聯貸資金有『1百50億元』,如今被扣押,不只,面臨違約,新光銀行一次討回150億,還可能引起其他銀行 連帶效應,要求返還本金。最壞的狀況,就是 威京名下資產,除了京華城,恐怕全被拍賣,倒閉。
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最近不少學校的Google地標, 全被惡作劇大改名稱,學校變成鞋店、健身房,甚至還被加上詆毀字眼。校方不堪其擾,教團也批資安教育出問題,雖然說可申請商家認證,從權限管理來預防,但教師坦言並不是每間學校,都知道這樣的機制。
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